How Culture Affects Our Body Confidence
Aug 23, 2023
Cultural influences can play a huge role in our sense of body confidence. From an early age we’re all exposed to a range of societal norms, beauty standards, and body ideals that can differ from culture to culture.
How Our Mental Biases Can Reinforce Poor Body Image (and what to do about it)
Aug 23, 2023
We now want to introduce you to two terms: confirmation bias, and negativity bias.Both Rashida and Georgia address these biases frequently in-session, and understanding how—and why—these biases arise can be really helpful. But first—what exactly are they?
Body Positivity, Body Neutrality and Body Confidence: What's the Difference?
Aug 23, 2023
This guide will address the type of relationship we can have with our bodies, how it might impact us in and outside of sexual experiences, and how we can change that relationship to help us feel more connected to ourselves and others.
When Should I See A Professional About Body Image?
Aug 23, 2023
We really strongly believe that the information and exercises contained in this guide can be super useful in understanding what body confidence is, how it affects us, and how we can work to increase our confidence and acceptance of ourselves.
What Is Body Confidence, Actually?
Aug 23, 2023
‘Body confidence’ is an individual thing, and it will look and feel different for everyone. We definitely can’t tell you what it should look and feel like, because body confidence is something that we encourage you to define for yourself! 
How To Support Your Partner On Their Body Confidence
Aug 23, 2023
There’s a lot that a supportive partner can do to help someone who’s struggling to feel confident and comfortable with their body, including their genitals.
Using Mirror Work to Build Body Confidence
Aug 23, 2023
If you experience feelings of low confidence in your body, the mirror might be the last thing you want to spend some time in front of—but we encourage you to use it as a tool of discovery and exploration.
How To Stop Avoiding Your Genitals & Embrace Pleasure
Aug 23, 2023
It might surprise you to hear this, but your relationship with your genitals can have a huge impact on how you experience your body. We’ve all been fed an idea of what genitals ‘should’ look like—how they should feel, perform, and even smell.
What Is Body Checking, and How Can It Affect Our Body Confidence?
Aug 23, 2023
Often our emotions will be paired with a behaviour, and a common practice for those who are feeling discomfort is to ‘body check’. This is the practice of looking at, touching, or evaluating our body multiple times a day.
Sex and psychoactives—here’s what you need to know
Aug 01, 2023
We are anecdotally aware that many people experiment with psychoactive drugs and that a lot of people are interested in how they can be used during sex and intimacy.