
Explore 100+ free pleasure guides created by our team of experts - and if we're missing something that's important to you, please let us know!
Sex positivity: what does it really mean?
Aug 23, 2024
Being sex-positive sounds pretty simple, but we think this vital idea is worth a deeper look for all of us.
How to kick the patriarchy out of your bedroom
Aug 23, 2024
Unequal cultural beliefs and stereotypes can influence our most intimate spaces - so here's how to bring equality to your sex life.
How to reach orgasm equality
Aug 23, 2024
Here at NORMAL, we’re big on talking about orgasm equality—and that’s because statistically cis women...
How to practise self-love
Aug 23, 2024
You deserve pleasure, full-stop. In this guide, we explore the many ways of defining self-love and all the ways you can do it.
Everything you need to know about testicular health
May 20, 2024
All about the testicles: what they do, how they work, how to keep them healthy, and what to do if you notice something unusual down there.
Are we really in a ‘sex recession’?
May 20, 2024
If you’ve noticed that your sex life has been feeling a little lacklustre recently, you may not be the only one - Gen Z and Millennials are having less sex.
Sex after childbirth—it’s possible. Here’s how
Apr 08, 2024
Having a child can be a joyful and profound experience, and it’s one that is accompanied by many changes. You’ll immediately get acquainted with dirty nappies, throw-up, and you’ll probably start sleeping in chunks of just a few hours. In this post we talk everything you need to know about sex after childbirth.
Your body is changing as you age—here’s what you need to know
Apr 08, 2024
Our bodies undergo constant changes throughout life, and as we enter our thirties and forties many of us notice—for the very first time—the signs of ageing. 
What Happens When Your Sex Drive is Too High?
Sep 15, 2023
Let’s explore hypersexuality and Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD), shedding light on these conditions, their impact on individuals, and the challenges they can pose.
Unpacking Emotions & How They Impact Body Confidence
Aug 23, 2023
Our emotional experiences are directly related to how we feel about our bodies. Our emotions act as messages—they tell us if something feels good, safe, scary, or awkward. 
Two Exercises To Change The Way You Think About Your Body
Aug 23, 2023
In this activity we’re going to write down some reflective questions that might be impacting our core beliefs about our body and appearance and reinforcing negative thought patterns. We’ll then spend some time re-framing and challenging them.